End-to-end deep representation learning for time series clustering: a comparative study


Time series are ubiquitous in data mining applications. Similar to other types of data, annotations can be challenging to acquire, thus preventing from training time series classification models. In this context, clustering methods can be an appropriate alternative as they create homogeneous groups allowing a better analysis of the data structure. Time series clustering has been investigated for many years and multiple approaches have already been proposed. Following the advent of deep learning in computer vision, researchers recently started to study the use of deep clustering to cluster time series data. The existing approaches mostly rely on representation learning (imported from computer vision), which consists of learning a representation of the data and performing the clustering task using this new representation. The goal of this paper is to provide a careful study and an experimental comparison of the existing literature on time series representation learning for deep clustering. In this paper, we went beyond the sole comparison of existing approaches and proposed to decompose deep clustering methods into three main components: (1) network architecture, (2) pretext loss, and (3) clustering loss. We evaluated all combinations of these components (totaling 300 different models) with the objective to study their relative influence on the clustering performance. We also experimentally compared the most efficient combinations we identified with existing non-deep clustering methods. Experiments were performed using the largest repository of time series datasets (the UCR/UEA archive) composed of 128 univariate and 30 multivariate datasets. Finally, we proposed an extension of the class activation maps method to the unsupervised case which allows to identify patterns providing highlights on how the network clustered the time series.

In Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
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Baptiste Lafabregue
Baptiste Lafabregue
Associate Professor in Artificial Intelligence

My research interests are mainly on time series analysis and collaborative clustering.
